I've been looking for a solution to not being able to see a lot of my MOC's in my display. The problem being the shelves not fitting the size of the star or acrylic cases. So after some measuring, careful hole drilling and star case trimming I've managed to get the shelves the right distance apart to add two more. I'm chuffed with this and happy with where I'm at display wise now, I only have limited space. I have 33 MOC's and can see 28 of them, double what I could before. Currently only Ben, R5D4, Gam, Nikto and Weequay aren't visible. I can always switch it around a bit. I'm going to talk in a bit more depth about my collection as well, if this doesn't interest you.. scroll on. Thought it might interest some. It's a humble collection, nothing flash or expensive but it's personal to me.
Most of the MOC's I've collected over the years have been the figures I had as a kid, and some current favourites. The only ones really missing from the lineup would be Luke Farmboy, Han Hoth, Boba Fett and Luke Jedi but with prices now I'm unlikely to be adding a Farmboy or Fett anytime soon (I may attempt some kind of reseal on those in the future). They are mostly offerless Kenner 65 and 77 backs with a few Palitoys in there, a Canadian Leia poncho and a couple of Empire ones. They are all in very nice clean condition. Behind the MOC's is my Palitoy cardback collection and a set of Saga collection figures from 2006 (only original trilogy characters, no prequel).
The rest of my cabinet is a mixed bag of things I've picked up over the last 10 years or so. Again many are significant to my childhood and others just because I like them, saw them and thought they were cool.
Top shelf - large Jawa, Rancor, Eagle eyes Action Man, MOC Bib, Jabba playset, Humungus metal face, mail away Admiral Ackbar, R2, diecast Landspeeder, Palitoy Landspeeder, extreme beater legless Stormtrooper, Max Rebo band, homemade Han & Chewie speeder.
Middle shelf - Darth Tie Fighter, Stormtroopers, Slave 1, Boba Fett, extreme beater Boba Fett.
Bottom shelf - childhood Snowspeeder, childhood X-Wing, childhood Wampa, childhood Taun Taun, childhood Scout Walker, wild find (bootsale) large R2, wildfind (charity shop) Taun Taun, wildfind (charity shop) Landspeeder.
Top shelf - MOC B-Wing pilot, Kenner cardback collection, diecast Darth Tie Fighter cardback, MIB Speeder Bike, MIB TLC, MIB VME, MIB Scout Walker, series 1 trading cards, ROTJ stickers, Kenner toy catalogues, childhood Speeder Bike, MIB RLC, ROTJ Japanese Kodak cup, Celebration Rebel Alliance ring, Power Droid, mail away Emperor.
Middle shelf - Novelty figures (Stu Skinner raffle), erasers/stationary (forum secret Santa), Lego Chewie (gift from kids), SW tin (gift from Mum), R2 pin (gift from mate), Y-Wing, POTF2 Han & Leia (our wedding cake figures), Optimus Prime.
Bottom shelf - Black series Sandtrooper, Black series Boba Fett, Tie Fighter, various modern figures.
I've not bought that much for some time, except finishing off my loose set and collecting Palitoy cardbacks. I've got to a point where I'm pretty happy with my lot. Have been selling a lot over the last couple of years. Some of my vintage MOC's and nearly all my modern items. I realised that I've got no desire to have all this stuff hanging around, sitting in boxes. And that I wanted everything I do have to be part of my collection, as in in my cabinet. So that's what I've done. All the rest is for sale or sold. It's very satisfying and has given me a nice small revenue stream.
Kind of hanging up my collecting boots you might say. I'm not selling up at all, still love my collection and my displays. And still love the Forum and being a Star Wars fan. It's just after more than 10 years I've collected what I want and have lost the bug a little bit. I'll still tweak it every now and then and buy and sell a few bits but I feel like I need change. It's a great pleasure to know all you guys on here and I look forward to the future and enjoying looking at and discussing all your buys and collections. All the best comrades, have a lovely Christmas. MTFBWY