Signed SotE Slave 1


Dec 5, 2019
I have a SotE Slave 1 signed by Jeremy Bulloch and wondered what this does to the price of the toy. I know he signed a lot of stuff at cons but I can't see another for sale online. Ship is factory sealed.
It all depends on what you opinion on signatures on collectables is, in my opinion it would decrease its value and desirability; but others would value it greatly due to the signature, but it all depends on who's signature it is.
Now, if it was Harison Ford it would be a different conversation, but it's good old JB (RIP) which as you suggested can be found very readily, if it did increase the value it would be only a small amount.
I hope that helps.😀
In simple terms I would look at the value of a sealed SOTE Slave 1. Then the value of a JB signature and add the 2 together
as per Mini 99 I would say it devalues it, but an auto collector would maybe think different
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