The LEGO Corner

Just seen your pictures Nurnsy, that's some collection :shock:

I've not seen Yoda's swamp before, it looks great

I just picked up an echo base mini set because it came with a Han Hoth on taun taun :oops: Going to build it with the kids tonight :D
That is an awesome set Spoons.

The Taun Taun is ace along with Han Hoth figure.

Did you see the new Ewok set aswell??
is the ewok set the bunker one? If so that does look amazing. My echo base set is just a turret and a couple of snowtroopers and rebel soldiers. I think there's a bigger set too - do you have that one?
Yeah the new one is the bunker with a scout walker and Ewok glider.

I have the Echo base, but there are no more apart from the set you bought today.
have you seen how much the skiff sail barge and echo base are going for on ebay and amazon! i really want these! there going in excess of 200 quid each! thats more than vintage prices......
ponchobelt said:
have you seen how much the skiff sail barge and echo base are going for on ebay and amazon! i really want these! there going in excess of 200 quid each! thats more than vintage prices......

I don't have the Sail Barge, but I was actively watching prices a few months ago.
You can pick up a complete open, boxed set for around £80 on ebay.
Hiya Ron, long time no speak mate.

No, not buying Lego any more mate.

What you been up to?? Any new purchases mate, how's the bike??
yeah stu long time no speak mate. Been very quite these days. Not bought anything in ages apart from my han carbonite. Just cant see any thing i want. The bike is ace. Cant get enough of using it.

Have you been up to much. Have you been buying much
Not been buying as much mate, changed jobs so money has been tight until
My bounses kick in. Got a few nice items on there way though as I've sold off a load of other toys.

How's Han? You got him displayed? No trip back to oz planned?
burnsy said:
Not been buying as much mate, changed jobs so money has been tight until
My bounses kick in. Got a few nice items on there way though as I've sold off a load of other toys.

How's Han? You got him displayed? No trip back to oz planned?

What you are you doing now Stu. Still along the same line?
Cant belive you sold off some stuff. I did not think you liked selling off anything
Not had time or the space to finish off Han. Need space to sand him down and spray paint him. Going to build a gargae in the next few month to do this.
No trip planned to Oz at the moment. I have had a real hard winter with frost and snow up here. I have not worked a full week in over 2 month. Dont think it will be this year now. My mate g/f is expecting so they got a busy year with there parents going over.

Hows you games machine?
Put an order in for a load of new Lego the other day.

Josh, have you seen the new Slave 1?

I think this is gonna be my fav and the mini figs are ****ing awesome.
Fett is bad ass and I've been waiting for Bossk for ages.

I'll get some photos up when they arrive.
Just came across this lego thread so i thought i would post my minifig collection for you to see,lego is my main focus atm i just cant get enough of it :D
I have added more since this but only about another 10 minifigs including a limited edition white boba fett.







006-1.jpg are my new hero :shock: :D

That is an amazing collection mate, and very well displayed.

Where did you pick up your white boba?
They were an offer in TRU a few weeks back right?

Not sure if they were doing this in the UK though?

I see you have the new Boba...looks brilliant. And Bossk, I so have to get that set soon.

Thanks for a great look at your collectuion mate.

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