Thinking about opening something

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It was suggested earlier too! It's not a bad idea..maybe someone has a Toni they want rid of and can pass it on to Jam for his nostalgia experiment? Perfect solution, one less toni and two happy sniffers :lol:
No you didn't Pete, if you look at your previous post you state there is very little value in sealed packs then you go on to say that sealed packs are worth more. I read between the lines and figured out that meant if they are worth more sealed then you sell them sealed if they are worth more split you do that.......
Thank you Lee I agree I'm not destroying anything the bubble figure and weapon are all still going to exist.
Joe thank you for the words of warning I read them earlier on but I think I'm prepared to take my chances. You know it's funny I was kinda on the fence till I started this thread now I'm 100% on the idea.
jambobbyb said:
No you didn't Pete, if you look at your previous post you state there is very little value in sealed packs then you go on to say that sealed packs are worth more. I read between the lines and figured out that meant if they are worth more sealed then you sell them sealed if they are worth more split you do that.......

Again, to address being misquoted, I said "collecting value". That wasn't a price related thing. Sealed packs are always worth more. But people don't tend to collect the majority of them. Football stickers have a huge collecting community most other lines don't but people do tend to look for loose stickers and so it's just seen a little differently to those who collect them. That's all i was saying there.
The whole splitting packs if they're worth more thing came from you not me. Just wanted to clear that up. No need to read between the lines as i say everything i mean and carefully avoid saying things i don't mean.
We've both expressed our points of view clearly enough so no need to bash away at it until we lose our tempers.
If you open a Toy Toni then you would 'allegedly' only be getting 1990's/2000's air :p
Anyone who wants 90's air I can supply it for £5 a jar. I just eat 3 bowls of shreddies then fart, just what I used to do before going to school in the 90's.
jambobbyb said:
No you didn't Pete, if you look at your previous post you state there is very little value in sealed packs then you go on to say that sealed packs are worth more. I read between the lines and figured out that meant if they are worth more sealed then you sell them sealed if they are worth more split you do that.......
Thank you Lee I agree I'm not destroying anything the bubble figure and weapon are all still going to exist.
Joe thank you for the words of warning I read them earlier on but I think I'm prepared to take my chances. You know it's funny I was kinda on the fence till I started this thread now I'm 100% on the idea.

You started by asking opinion, and have ended with 100% for it

End of thread then, no point dragging it out.
Few interesting views on this. Have to say I'm quite surprised by the restrained reaction to be honest :? On previous occasions that this subject has been broached the pitchforks were well and truly being sharpened :evil:

Genuinely didn't think this would go down so easily/well..!

Me, I don't think I could bring myself to open a MOC. I imagine that the feeling of nostalgia would dissipate quite quickly and you would be left thinking "really"...?? That's it..??

Also a lot of other collectors would be really happy to add this to their it a Beater ROTJ card.

Are these just toys, in my humble opinion, not anymore. They were once upon a time. NOW....They are 'Collectables'....Coveted by a large percentage of the SW collecting community.

I don't agree that just because it didn't sell for £10 thats Carte Blanche to open certain items. I wouldn't like to see that logic applied to pieces going forward :|

Just my two cents....
I despise the term "They are just toys" being used. Toys are found at Toy r Us.

All I can say most likely knew what type of wind up this would have been on the forum long enough. Why even ask?

Have you been smoking crack?
Todd these are just toys, there is nothing more to them 33-37 year old plastic toys, the added value is the amount we put on them as collectors and pieces of our childhood. it's why I collect this stuff because it reminds me of being a kid in a time which was better than today and I'm going to relive a small and enjoyable piece of my childhood by opening a beaten up moc and then keeping it for my own collection. It seems it's ok to open one type of collectable but not another.
Can't understand why you posted this thread :?

You probably knew the reaction would be a 'no'

It's like asking your parents permission to do something they are not going to like although it is very unlikely they will ever find out.

If you want to do it DO IT :!:

And then tell us how exciting it was :mrgreen:
Because collecting Star Wars figures should be exiting and fun not a series of rules and regulations, look at how many members on this board have destroyed perfectly good Mocs getting them graded by AFA I can think of at least 3-4 high end Items which have popped out of the bubbles in shipping simply because people wanted to increase the value of an item and that's "ok" Many other members have opened figures for enjoyment and I'm going to try what they have.
Pretty much we put a monetary values on everything... the items themselves are intrinsic then. Buy a Porsche...then smash it in a wall...just a car. Buy a Rolex...hit it with a hammer..just a a rare piece of art..set it on fire...just a picture.

When you come onto a forum for guys that focus on preserving and collecting vintage stuff...they may not be keen on this type of announcement and after all the U grade debates and somehow thought...Gee..I wonder If these guys would think this was a great idea????
jambobbyb said:
Because collecting Star Wars figures should be exiting and fun not a series of rules and regulations, look at how many members on this board have destroyed perfectly good Mocs getting them graded by AFA I can think of at least 3-4 high end Items which have popped out of the bubbles in shipping simply because people wanted to increase the value of an item and that's "ok" Many other members have opened figures for enjoyment and I'm going to try what they have.

Not sure where you're getting that info but that is never "ok". Almost no one here thinks that is "ok". The is a No UGrade logo on the forum banner and the selling of UGrades has been banned here after an overwhelming majority vote in favour of the ban.
Buy a porsche drive it
Buy a Rolex wear it
Buy a priceless painting look at it
Open a beater starwars figure relive a piece of your childhood.

I don't see any resemblance to this and the U grade debate. If this had upset people then I think it's maybe time for people to take a look at what really matters and as we have seen before if the forum so wants it I don't mind being banned far saying I want to open a moc. I am 100% against U grading I think it's a total crime for the rare items that have been lost.
Not sure what your on about again Peter I'm talking about the afa graded Mocs which have broken out of bubbles I think the last one was a miscardeded Squid head beautiful rare moc totally trashed there a 20 back hammer head and a 21 greedo as well as a 21 back Fett these people graded items which are now ruined mainly because the graded item is worth more than the ungraded one....
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