Vintage in Belfast


Jan 3, 2011
Hi All,

Anyone know anywhere in Belfast that I might pick up some vintage?
Going there next week for a few days.

Hello Alan. Unfortunately there is only one place that has any Vintage! The Old Toy and Model Shop behind Castle Court Shopping centre in the covered in Smith field Market! He has some pieces which arent great quality and are overpriced on the most part!! The owner(James) isn't very sociable and can be abrupt and very strange about people browsing(I witnessed this first hand last Saturday!). Sorry I can't be of anymore help-however Belfast is a city with good nightlife, eateries and places of interest!! Enjoy your stay, regards Gary.
Paddy the Jedi said:
Hello Alan. Unfortunately there is only one place that has any Vintage! The Old Toy and Model Shop behind Castle Court Shopping centre in the covered in Smith field Market! He has some pieces which arent great quality and are overpriced on the most part!! The owner(James) isn't very sociable and can be abrupt and very strange about people browsing(I witnessed this first hand last Saturday!). Sorry I can't be of anymore help-however Belfast is a city with good nightlife, eateries and places of interest!! Enjoy your stay, regards Gary.
People browsing in a shop? Bastards!

aok said:
Hi All,

Anyone know anywhere in Belfast that I might pick up some vintage?
Going there next week for a few days.


Yeah, none that I know of sorry. The Modellers knook/The Dungeon (two shops, knocked together) used to have a few bits way way back when. That was 20-25 years ago and I haven't been in it since. It was on Winetavern Street, opposite Smithfield Market. I think the Modellers knook is still going but it looks like it's half the size it was. I have no idea if they still sell vintage, I would very much doubt it.

Cheers lads, it's been 20 plus years since I last visited. I do remember picking up a sealed trilogo Rebo band in one of the shops.
Yes, I heard before that the guy in the market is a bit nuts. I'll drop in for a browse and confirm. I'll bring the whole family with me :D
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