Wanted M.A.S.K Toys

Collection coming along - starting to end up with duplicates and some that don't quite cut the quality bar. 5 boxes now as well, some boxes excellent, some not so much, but the art on all is sooooo good

Two updates and very different so I'll keep them separate.

Due to general incompetence I now have 2 switchblades…. The second is very nice, but the box is a bit beat up.
Also have a volcano - missing a few bit so it was cheap(ish)

Now this one is off the hook crazy - stumbling around the old interweb I came across Makina. Never heard of them but turns out they make some cool ****. Among them some MASK customs.

Seems they had a little trouble with hasbro a while back so had to change their packaging and move from printed details to stickers but man it's a nice toys…..

This is a second edition (the first go for very silly money). They are doing a Shark this year - pricy but may be worth a punt…

Still looking for a firefly and maybe a slingshot, which would complete series 1 and 2. Would love to get the two figure cards as well, but given their prices that can wait.
It might be nice to get the figures all loose and put in a case?

Anyway the shelf now looks like this.

Realise this really should be 'other vintage collection' threat but hey. Technically I am still wanting a few items to finish it off.
Firefly and Slingshot and likely the rest of the racing series… at some point.
Anyway - 4 new boxed items in the shelf…
This one feels like it needs an unboxing video…
Makina Labs have launched their second MASK vehicle - Shark. And It Is SWEET….

Glad it has the opening flap, the original ThinderHawk did but then didn't. But looks fantastic and captures the onscreen vehicle perfectly.
I know this should be in the 'other vintage' thread, but it does double as a wanted thread since I am actively after M.A.S.K. Stuff.

I am now complete (mixture of boxed and loose) on series 1 & 2 and a smattering of 3. I am also into the somewhat random EU re-paints and Adventure sets - loose, figures and Masks only…

Still after a few figures but the European Variants are almost done now - Just Racing Arena Bruno, Ace Rikker and if I am being picky a Miles with Collider Mask (I have Maxi)
Also since a Buzzard arrived the other day I am now only 4 short of a complete Series 3 (Mix of Loose and Boxed) - Goliath, Bulldog, Razorback & Meteor....

Still hunting but picked up a few figures - getting very excited for the new toys - they look fantastic....
The Ace Riker Euro paint was a bit to get so now only the Racing Arena Bruno Sheppard to find (he's a nightmare to get)
On the main line loose figures all of series 1 collected and I think I want series 2 and 3 (matching the vehicle run) - shouldn't be too hard to do as they aren't rare - more about condition. But I am seeing M.A.S.K. everywhere at the moment - which I am sure will boost interest and therefore price....


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