DDCCollectables on Ebay


Staff member
May 9, 2014

This guy bought a landspeeder from me. When it arrived, he complained (bitterly!) that I'd been deliberately dishonest in the description, as one of the thrusters had been glued, blah, blah, blah. Now, I know it's no excuse, but I've been mega busy, starting a new job etc and just wanted to sell it quickly. As a result, there is a chance that I missed the thruster. I thought it looked nice and just needed to turn it around quickly. I apologised and Ebay asked me to issue a refund, which I stupidly did. They then asked me to pay for a return label, which I did. They then closed the case. I had wrongly assumed that Ebay would hold the money until I had received the return. So, the buyer has ignored all my messages and not returned the item. Basically theft. I spoke to Ebay and as the case is closed, NOTHING they can do, despite me explaining that they had asked me to issue a return without telling me to wait until I'd received the item back. Considering small claims- not worth it financially, but I don't want this prick to get away with stealing from me.

What a shite system! I bet thousands of people get done like this every year. Such a shame you just can't trust anyone anymore.
What a prick for not returning it, some people are such scumbags and what a waste of your time and money. Sorry for this mate.
That's out of order, really are some idiots that take liberties out there that's why I don't like eBay

Did this moron raise a case saying item not as described etc,.

Unfortunately I think if you refund before item is returned ( which is what an honest person like you would do) I think your on a hiding to nothing from an eBay support perspective. However it's worth an email to this git to say if your mail is not responded to within xxxx days, you will pursue via a small claims court process out of principle.

That way you have proof you've given him chance to respond and maybe at least chase up eBay on it first…worth a try

It's such a shame that there are wasters out there, unfortunately decency and honesty isn't always there, that's why I'd love to see buying and selling on here make a come back as never an issue on here, if something needs sorting it's done easily and decently.

Hope you get this sorted mate, I would be the same as you and feel I'd been scammed.
Thanks fellas. Messaged him yesterday and mentioned going to small claims and he got back to me (for the first time). He had a go at me for being a dishonest seller, said I'd clearly repaired the Landspeeder myself, had a go at me for issuing a refund (!), insinuating that it was my fault he hadn't sent it etc. Then he said he'd sent it back in the same box and provided the pictures below, which have absolutely no proof that this is the Landspeeder being sent back to me. He could've just used the same box to send something else and the tracking pic looks like it's been snipped, so no number, address etc on it. I've asked him for the tracking number, but suspect I won't hear from him again. Looks like he's blocked me on Ebay, as I can't look at any of his sales etc.


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Hey Andy, I'm an hour from Plymouth, give me his address and I'll go around there pretending to be a bailiff.

I'm not joking either I actually go to Plympton once or twice a week during school term time.

You should ask him for proof of postage so you can make a claim, I'm pretty sure if you supplied the postage label you can find out if it's been used through eBay.
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Not entirely sure mate. The seller dashboard would be where I would start and customer service in your account.

This may help.

Really hate reading these sorts of threads - it's sad that people like this turn something as enjoyable as toy collecting into anything but.

Sorry you have to go through it, all needlessly stressful - hopefully the speeder gets back to you and you can write it all off as a bad dream and move on.
You getting anywhere with eBay Andy, I would hammer home to them that the buyer hasn't returned the item and can't show proof they have. Absolutely ridiculous, eBay don't give a **** at the end of the day.
Ebay were supposed to call me back on Saturday. I'll chase them up tomorrow. The 'buyer' has gone dark again after I asked for proper proof of postage... It's all such a waste of time!
Ebay were supposed to call me back on Saturday. I'll chase them up tomorrow. The 'buyer' has gone dark again after I asked for proper proof of postage... It's all such a waste of time!
Indeed, hope you get some where with it. eBay should refund you immediately if the buyer doesn't provide proof of postage for you to make a claim.
What a bummer, which is why I HATE Evilbay.

Try calling Ebay around 8am (I think Sunday it's 9am at weekends) to get Dublin call centre. Listen out for the accent. If you get anywhere else - USA, Germany, Albania, Phillipines etc. DON'T bother, they just read from scripts and haven't a clue.

I had a pig of a job confirming my ID details (didn't want to give them ALL to them but had to in the end to get my account back up and running). It was finally resolved when I spoke to the 'Leadership Team', so worth asking for them if you get through to Dublin.

Try and gather the important details and evidence together and keep it concise.
The photos of him 'returning' the box are meaningless. Where are his photos to show what was IN the box, and as it was sealed up?
(The photo itself is ambiguous and could be seen as the parcel being handed TO him, and not FROM him?).
Why has he not provided the tracking number or proof of postage? Has he uploaded it on his Ebay account that Ebay can see, even if you can't?
It looks like he arranged a RM collection, in which case he will have received an email with a reference number tracking number, date, collection address, delivery address etc.
in the details (not sure how long RM keeps the information for though).

Ebay were wrong to advise you to refund it BEFORE you got the item back but Advisors seem to tell you what you want to hear anyway, half of the time.
I think once a refund is paid, Ebay see that as the end of the matter and close the case.
A pity they didn't suggest asking the Buyer to send photos of the supposed 'damage' to it. That way you could have tried to compare it with your own photos to see if it was the SAME landspeeder.

I have had a quick look at your original For Sale post on here and can't see any glued bits - but then my eyes ain't what they used to be. Have you studied them in close-up at all?

If you do end up going down the small claims route, I think you have to send a 'letter before legal action' as courts like to see that you have tried to resolve it BEFORE issuing proceedings. Best to send it by recorded delivery and maybe also a second 'back-up' by usual post with 'proof of postage' in case he refuses the first one.
Give him time to reply before going proceeding.
It might just scare him into
I'm not sure how much it costs - have seen £35 mentioned somewhere - so it might not be worth it in this instance? Though I know it is the PRINCIPLE that counts for most people more than getting any money back, if at all.

With any luck Ebay will refund you with a 'gesture of goodwill' if you push them - though of course that means the 'bar-steward' will have got away with it.

Good luck with whatever you decide

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