My Childhood Focus

A photo of a scene I set up in the garden 1983 and my rather battered Airfix Battle on Ice Planet Hoth snap fix scene. The set itself is in great nick and complete. Will do a restoration job on the box at some point.


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My original figures with equivalent MOCs and also some MOCs of figures that I had brand new as a kid, but I sold in my wayward teenage years (AT-AT Commander, Lando, Leia Hoth, Imperial Commader, Cloud Car Pilot). The Boba and Han Hoth I had as a kid were both Palitoy 30-bks, so obviously these are a bit of a compromise! Have had the Han Hoth and Lando since the mid-nineties (bought at one of the Cheshunt/Watford SW events). LXW was my first ever Ebay purchase back in around 1998 for a then whopping £100.


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Sandpeople mask- probably the first SW item I ever had. Was at a Birthday party when I was around 5 and they gave masks out instead of party bags. Went home and my Mum threw it away! Managed to get a full set of Palitoy (Ben Cooper) masks a while back and then upgraded them with a pretty much mint sent (without losing any money!).

Some other childhood items- Scalextric stuff (including GW Hurley price sticker!), two tin plate toys that were my Dad's and I used to love playing with and the classic Corgi Batmobile and Liberator.


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My first ever collection: Inpro dinosaurs. Mum used to buy me one pretty much every week from a small toy shop/gunsmith in Cirencester called Cole's. The guy used to get a tray full of them from under the counter and I would choose one. Also sent away for a Chivers jelly promotion, which had some exclusive models, diorama and poster. I lost the poster, but have since found another on Ebay after several years of looking. The Plesiosaur was from a shop at Loch Ness when we were away on holiday- pretty hard to find these days.


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My first ever collection: Inpro dinosaurs. Mum used to buy me one pretty much every week from a small toy shop/gunsmith in Cirencester called Cole's. The guy used to get a tray full of them from under the counter and I would choose one. Also sent away for a Chiver jelly promotion, which had some exclusive models, diorama and poster. I lost the poster, but have since found another on Ebay after several years of looking. The Plesiosaur was from a shop at Loch Ness when we were away on holiday- pretty hard to find these days.
Fantastic photos you've been posting on this thread andy! Lot's of memories for me (and quite similar in places), and I also had a couple of these dinosaurs and remember the Chiver Jelly promotion (although I'm not sure if I ever sent off for it).

Really great thread :)

Thanks Jeremy and Ian. I have a few more bits and pieces e.g. Britains, Matchbox/Corgi etc, but nowhere to display. May have to be creative...
A very small update and previously posted in Latest Acquisitions. A few months ago, my son found my Darth Vader's TIE Fighter Airfix Model in my Mum's loft. It's missing one or two pieces, but in decent shape, overall. Lovely to find a childhood item after all this time.


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A few years ago, I found some photos I took of my figures in the garden. Unfortunately, I don't know what I did with them and haven't been able to find them again since (apart from one in an earlier post above). I was over the moon the other day, when copying some old pics over from my work laptop (because I'm leaving) to my phone, to discover I had taken some phone pics of them.

The septic tank in my parent's front garden made a perfect Endor bunker. Also, I drew an AT-AT and made an Imperial Attack Base out of papier-mache, to make a Hoth Scene.


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