My New Graphic Novel Business


Sith Lord
Apr 1, 2011
Last year after almost a decade of working for Sky I found myself surplus to requirements and unceremoniously booted to the curb - since then I've been a mostly unproductive member of society and while I'd love to say UNTIL NOW - I am not sure starting a GN buisness makes me useful - but it is the first step in what I hope is (if you pardon the pun) a new chapter in my life.

Back in 2022/2023 when I was at Sky I wrote and produced the worlds first Cinematic VR Graphic Novel with the intention of bringing it to print later (all part of a unified workflow thing), sadly Sky saw things differently and we parted ways, but I did retain the IP to the Graphic Novel and now after a bit of wrangling and work, myself and the creative team (Andy Lanning & Ant Williams) along with the folks at Mad Robot Publishers are preparing to launch our first Kickstarter together and bring my first GN to print: ANGEL EYES....

Normally I am quite 'British' about these sorts of things, but since this represents my future (I hope) I may bang on about it a bit and post stuff as I chase backers.... So I apologise now - but I rather hope you folks support this and share it with anyone you know:

The KS itself will launch mid-July, so for now it's all about building up followers and prepping for the launch, so please follow the campaign and back it when its live - I can honestly say the GN is awesome, the art is amazing - really great fun...

Angel Eyes Kickstarter sign-up

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Thanks - it is the single most terrifying thing I've done (professionally) and this is just the build up... Think I will be a wreck when the main campaign starts next month....

But its a now or never moment.

As a treat this is the main cover image - a sneak peak if you will..

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 22.13.09.png
Another sneaky-peaky look at the art you'll find inside ANGEL EYES - This one shows the journey each page took from pencil sketches through to final panel, all created by the amazing Ant Williams.

Please hop over to Kickstarter and sign up to follow (and support :) ) the campaign: Angel Eyes Kickstarter sign-up


Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 10.05.11.png
Looks amazing. Unfortunately not the sort of thing that I am in to personally but can totally appreciate all the creativity, hard work and talent involved.
Good luck with it. Maybe I should ask for your autograph now, ha ha.

P.S. the links in your signature come back as 'page not found' - are they old ones?
Another image to share - this one is an early sketch for the final cover drawn by Anna Readman - it's a real fun one...

I know I'm plugging away but I hope some (lots) of you hop on over to Kickstarter and support this:


Copy of Angel Eyes - Ep 9 - Cover Pencils.jpg
I know there are a few creative folks here so wanted to share a thought (ahead of my rather middle aged attempts at social media with this tomorrow) around the unique workflow developed for Angel Eyes.

Essential, we looked at the cost and time it takes to create 'full animation' and the limitations of a one dimensional workflow (i.e. a flow that allows for the creation of only one thing and to do more requires starting from scratch with a new flow, which is more or less how most studios work today) and we wanted to create something unique to Graphic Novels that could also serve the wider story telling community and this is where we ended up....

Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 16.03.01.png
Good luck with your project. The art looks great too, I've followed on KS and will have a look once launched👍
I've backed this now, fingers crossed it gets over the line🤞

Getting some 'accident man' vibes from some of the artwork it👍
For anyone who wants to support these we're extending the early bird discount for another 48Hrs.
So if you can please hope over and support.

I am now combining my love of Lego and Pop Culture with custom printed covers of the GN - you know for fun....

I must admit this Kickstarter thing is a lot tougher that I imagined (I feel like one of those political pollsters trying to secure votes) - The campaign is ticking, but only just - so if anyone here likes comics and are fans of Ant Williams, Andy Lanning, Rob Jones, Steven Cannon, Gary Erskine, Rory Donald, Jay Gunn, Sonia Leong, Johanna Ost, Dave Kendall & Anna Readman - then please hope over and give us some love and support and feel free to share the links :)


Thought I would share a bit more art work and a few of the silly lego things I am doing with it - you know, in the hope of getting a bit more support :)

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 09.50.52.png
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