Toys R Us UK Special Event for CE II

Just got back too...

Well just had a snack, got changed and had a cup of tea :wink:

Great evening lads, picked up a few of the black range, not overly impressed with the 3 3/4 figures as the sculpts look so familiar (not that I don't like them, I just set my hopes to high). Really like the larger figures though.

Good to see Chris and Dave (sorry about the FFIV pressure Dave :lol: :lol: ) and meet Burnsy too, and as usual it goes so quickly I feel I didn't really get time to chat to everyone much. :oops:

Won two prizes in the raffle, got a box full of the black range, met Jeremy Bulloch (who recognised me from my prize run) and even picked up a minty Amanam from some dude called Mumbo, hooked up with Luke and Leia too. Great night all round 8)

I will get a few photo up soon. :D
maniac79 said:
Sounds great. But allow me to ask: what prize run? :oops:

It would be great to have a story about winning some vintage star wars involving JB from back in the day but in reality...

He had already handed me the two prizes I won in the raffle earlier :lol: :lol:
That was a cracking evening of star wars overload :D

Met forum members Chris (Jedi Masters), Burnsy, Dave Tree and even an old school friend who I hadn't seen in years and plenty of other likeminded star wars fans. All great guys :)

Then there was the legend that is Jeremy Bulloch dressed as Boba and I will never forget the moment he spoke through the helmet microphone and called my son a Jedi scum, to hear the real Boba Fett utter those words to my boy, priceless :D :D :D :D :D

Picked up some cool black series figures, agree with Jr the larger figures are a lot more decent. My kids also picked up prizes for the fancy dress comp so they were over the moon too.

All in all a fantastic experience, CE2 is going to be out of this world :)

Will post up pics soon.

And Burnsy the 501st UK GARRISON are the rancors bollocks :D
Was a brilliant evening.

I had the pleasure of kitting Jeremy up in his costume.
A night I will not forget for a while.

Was great to meet you chaps and hopefully the 501st may have some new members :wink:

Figures are ok. I reckon the 6inch Sandtrooper is the best.

Bring on Germany!!!!!!
Great night though I had no idea what anyone looked like so didn't see anyone there! My boy enjoyed it lots and we won a lightsaber in the raffle (slightly gutted it wasn't the SDCC Fett but the boy loves the saber!) Will upload some pics. Including the boy's 'yoda face' which he was very adamant he wanted done at the face painting table.
Here's some pics I took, mainly of my boy meeting everyone!!!








And our purchases, autograph and lightsaber that we won in the raffle!




Fun night! Very tired today though!
Superb pics, escapist- I'm sure I'd have been completely overwhelmed if I was your boy's age and meeting all these amazing characters... but he's certainly taken it all in his stride and looks to have thoroughly enjoyed himself!! Great shot with your son and Jeremy Bulloch- one to frame, for certain 8)

TC-14 said:
Superb pics, escapist- I'm sure I'd have been completely overwhelmed if I was your boy's age and meeting all these amazing characters... but he's certainly taken it all in his stride and looks to have thoroughly enjoyed himself!! Great shot with your son and Jeremy Bulloch- one to frame, for certain 8)


Haha he loves these sorts of events and always asks me if we can 'go see Boba??'! He's grown up with the toys and as I said before, considers most of these guys in the same league as Peppa Pig or Mickey Mouse!!

He had a great time and loved meeting R2 and Vader (who he kept trying to tickle - weird boy!)
Damn and big bollocks. I left my memory chip at home so cant post up pic's yet. Bugger.

Good photo's escapist. The funny thing is although you didnt know who any of us were you have managed to capture a few of us in your pics.

The first pic with R2 you got my daughter(red head), my leg (comin out the guy with the blue shirt on's arse, Mumbo's son (kid with blonde hair) and junior chubbs son (kid in white t shirt)

The pic with the 3 stormtrooper's pointing at you, Mumbo looks like he's getting punched in the face!!

Well done mate, love the pics.
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