LOOK what ive got !!!!............................

han duo

Sith Lord
Apr 16, 2007
millenium falcon
i got bored one day ant thought to myself while watching rotj i could make that ,,, well i tryed ,, i ordered the fur from ebay, and the rest i found lying around , yes the antlers are real, and the eyes are antinque buttons off ebay, and feathers i got from the back field,, the headdress was made from a old cloth, which i sewed together using string , i even give it a knife ( with a bone handle) on a leather belt,, his hands ,feet,teeth,eye lids and nose are made from baking clay, i made the parts separate and bulit them all together ,, hes very sturdy,,

well what do you think ?? i took me 2 weeks a couple of hours a day !

It looks like it needs a little weathering to look authentic. I made a lifesize jawa but it didnt look quite right untill i had dragged it through the mud and made it look dirty.
Good job though. If you put it on ebay i am sure you would make a mint.
You're officially the weirdest member on the forum and that is saying something

yes you are the wierdest member...but that is fantastic you have to put one on Ebay see what you can get for it.
Hide it in a hedge and scare the **** out of pensioners as they walk past

:lol: :lol: and video it that would be funny

That's actually a pretty good effort!
Although HOW bored were you?

Just one question, Why is he/she/it wearing a wedding dress? :lol:
yes i was pretty bored ,

it stands 4 foot tall and the photo was took in my back garden so no danger of old people kicking the bucket !

i have weathered it its just the light caught it to much so the headdres looks nice and new , but its got mud all over it ( i also added paw prints on it so it looked like HE had been ajusting it ! ) ,,, anyway if you think thats sad then i'll not show you the full size admiral akbar i sold !! ,,

iam not weired its just i was very restrained as a kid ( put that down, dont do that, you cant have that, etc..) so i now do what the **** i want , if i want the cereal with the free toy in i bloody get two packets not because i need them but because i can ! .........................iam a 31 year old kid
han duo said:
yes i was pretty bored ,

it stands 4 foot tall and the photo was took in my back garden so no danger of old people kicking the bucket !

i have weathered it its just the light caught it to much so the headdres looks nice and new , but its got mud all over it ( i also added paw prints on it so it looked like HE had been ajusting it ! ) ,,, anyway if you think thats sad then i'll not show you the full size admiral akbar i sold !! ,,

iam not weired its just i was very restrained as a kid ( put that down, dont do that, you cant have that, etc..) so i now do what the **** i want , if i want the cereal with the free toy in i bloody get two packets not because i need them but because i can ! .........................iam a 31 year old kid

dude it was craig that said that , and he fancies kelly osbourne, loves wrestling, doesn't do drink or any banned substances, watches reality TV, and worst of all supports the pool. how very dare he :lol: :lol: :lol:
han duo said:
yes i was pretty bored ,

so i now do what the **** i want , if i want the cereal with the free toy in i bloody get two packets not because i need them but because i can ! .........................iam a 31 year old kid

Well said matey!
thanks for the support for a minute there i thought i was alone ?? , i think what we all do is pretty cool ,, even though some of us may come across as a bit mad ( building starwars stuff) you'd better belive everyone our age really would like to do what we do but are to scared to,and there are worse ways to spend your spare time at the end of the day i enjoy all this , and it could be worse ,, at least iam not part of the gary glitter fan club !! or even worse .... like wwf gayboys in spandex...meeowww
jayjedi said:
he fancies kelly osbourne, loves wrestling, doesn't do drink or any banned substances, watches reality TV, and worst of all supports the pool. how very dare he :lol: :lol: :lol:
Those are my good points !! :lol:
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