The Vintage Rebellion Fanzine

Arrived yesterday, beautifully packed in limited edition NatWest stationery :D
Read from cover to cover this morning over breakfast, really great pick-up guys, highly recommended purchase!
I've just realised I dreamed about this the other night. I dreamed it arrived and was the size of an encyclopaedia. I didn't understand at the time bit I'm thinking that it was based on the length of the podcasts. :D

I've tried to order it and it doesn't add money for postage and won't complete the order. Hmph. I'll try on a proper computer over the weekend.
I ordered it there for delivery. The system never added any postage costs so I send a couple of quid to the same paypal account.
We didn't want to charge for postage because.... actually I'm not sure but there was a reason. I think it may be because we were worried of pushing the price to nearer £4
I can't wait to get mine at CE. I think the right place to enjoy the fanzine is in one of the queues, right Mr. Naughty Jedi? :mrgreen:
Got mine, a really great job on content and layout. Reminds me of the music zines I used to get in the '90s (but this is more professional and funny).

Can't wait for issue 2!
You know what, I see a very good point being made here about additional issues... possibly too much work, who knows... BUT. As a companion to the actual podcast it would be awesome to have this each month (or as a quarterly catch-up encompassing 3 months at a time) as a fanzine.

Adding images to the words each month on the LA threads, the interviews and 'product focuses' etc would be great...

I do wonder if anyone really needs part two of Stu's odd bedroom fantasies though.. :lol:
Received and it looks great 8) got something to read before bed but I'll make sure I avoid the back page otherwise I'll be having nightmares.
Mine just showed up yesterday and wanted to say thanks! I wasn't expecting it to arrive so quickly. I've just skimmed it over and it looks like a great fun read! I've just got to get it away from Luke now.


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Hi chaps,

Just wondering if mine had been sent out yet? Ordered on the 9th. I should've picked one up at Celebration, but chose post instead :roll:
im sending the rest of the orders out now, some went today, rest out tomorrow... apologies if someone gets an extra one
Been reading it every morning while eating my breakfast. Sets me up for the day... If you can muster 4 a year put me down for a subscription. It's mint!
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