Long Time suspected FAKE baggies scam / seller


I don't know Jeff, I've never bought anything from Jeff, but I do know that if you've been "selling for years" and you can't tell that something is wrong with the Kenner logo on the baggie you probably shouldn't be selling. That paint job is really bad.
Stuart Skinner said:
Frunkstar said:
Just done some digging through emails & I do have the info regarding the red text baggies & am happy to do screen shots if needed to confirm.

Frank, if you're happy to do that it would be helpful, for me anyway.

Here it is, after looking I did not directly confirm they were fake but did as you see say no star wars items have even been known in these baggies, they are from another toy line I have partially removed my email address for obvious reasons -

Richard_H said:
finestcomics said:

The thread further down states that Frank confirmed legit.

I do not know a lot about EB sets, never owned one, the baggies I know, the rest not so much, the packs were later submitted for grading & failed due to re-sealed baggies & counterfeit paperwork if memory serves.

There was also the batch of Bossk mailers that turned out to have fake boxes, again from Jeff, but I know he refunded on the ones that were returned.
finestcomics said:
Richard_H said:
finestcomics said:

The thread further down states that Frank confirmed legit.

frunkstar wrote:
I have dealt with the seller many times & have indeed bought many baggies & baggie related items from them, 90% has been spot on, but I have also had the odd item which I have felt was not correct, each time I have made the seller aware & they have refunded me in full no questions asked & every baggie I have had that has not been right, he has always taken back & then opened for his collection of mint loose figure, you can't really get fairer or more honest than that IMO.

Yes I wrote that, since then though sadly I have been witness to seeing baggies (red text ones above) being offered back on for sale rather than being opened, maybe I was naive & just expecting a man to stick by his word, well that it what I expected that any baggies found to be fake be opened for mint loose, as I said in the comment I have had many great baggies over the years from Jeff & always had a no questions asked refund if any were found to be fake which there have been a good few, I figured it was just great customer service at the time????

We have a 90 minute raw interview with Jeff.

Going to release it today and people can listen to it. Jeff doesn't have much online presence and hopefully this can fast track some of the community concerns.

It's not something we have done before and not 100% sure if it's what we should be doing. But seeing that the accusation is that the scale of the fraud is similar to Toytoni, we thought if the Toytoni fiasco was done today, I would definitely like to get him on.

It's not something we would repeat either as it could get very Jerry Springer. We do feel that it would be right to get anyone who was part of this investigation to come on next months show as well to be fair. There are good friends on both sides.
Grant_C said:

We have a 90 minute raw interview with Jeff.

Going to release it today and people can listen to it. Jeff doesn't have much online presence and hopefully this can fast track some of the community concerns.

It's not something we have done before and not 100% sure if it's what we should be doing. But seeing that the accusation is that the scale of the fraud is similar to Toytoni, we thought if the Toytoni fiasco was done today, I would definitely like to get him on.

It's not something we would repeat either as it could get very Jerry Springer. We do feel that it would be right to get anyone who was part of this investigation to come on next months show as well to be fair. There are good friends on both sides.
Hey Grant - when was the interview recorded, pre or post baggiegate?
Trying to get it out ASAP.

Its pretty raw, no production.

Everyone is in work. Please be patient, we will try and get it out today.
RobbieZombbie said:

I don't know Jeff, I've never bought anything from Jeff, but I do know that if you've been "selling for years" and you can't tell that something is wrong with the Kenner logo on the baggie you probably shouldn't be selling. That paint job is really bad.

As someone who knows nothing about baggies, even i can see that was painted by a 2 year old. Anyone selling that as genuine needs throwing under the bus.

"I know one of my soures was a guy called Gratson cant remeber his first name but spent £1000's of pounds with him which is the source of most of my SW-a , b and d, which the text is not right i been told and only found out last night."

Thanks for the efforts guys, it will be interesting to hear.

Fundamentally what else could we have expected? Jeff was always likely to come out with a statement saying it was not his problem. Had the group approached him beforehand then there is no doubt that this would have been the same answer, the only thing that might have been different is that Jeff closes down the opportunity to highlight that they came from him.

However lets assume he is being truthful here, as I like to assume people are, fundamentally it still results in the following:

1) There are now potentially hundreds of fake baggies in the hobby, ensuring that collecting of these has become incredibly difficult and fraught with problems.
2) Other collectors who aren't aware of the problem will pay high prices for fake items.
3) Puts at question any other items people have bought from him.
4) Refunding is fine to a point, but the person who has bought three sales down the line can never get their money more than likely.
5) Mistrust in the community and division.

If this is genuine, and lets hope it is, it comes from him:

1) Being completely negligent as a buyer. I understand if you buy in bulk this can happen, but after questions have been raised and fakes pointed out, one wonders why you would not go and check everything.
2) Being completely negligent as a seller. Fakes, or potential fakes, have been pointed out to him on a few occasions, yet you resell and continue to not question your own mechanisms.

Let's hope Jeff can fix this as best he can, and he will need to rebuild the trust of buyers in the community.
This whole saga has been pretty crazy.
On Tuesday night the 5 of us (me Richard H, Grant, Stuart and Peter) were recording the next podcast episode (episode 32) which is due out on Sunday or Monday (hopefully). News of this broke just before we were going to record. We all instantly realised that this was a big deal, who wouldn't. It was a big story which was big news. I actually suggested that maybe we should delay recording for a week to let everything sink in and figure out whats what.
Having said that the others suggested that we record our show anyway and I was happy to go with the flow. That said, we were all massively distracted. Two members of the podcast even commented on this thread and Facebook whilst I was recording my NA section, the cheeky buggers!

So there we are: an episode recorded, but with no reference to the scandal and crimes being mentioned in it through fear of being out of date or inaccurate when it is eventually edited and released. Our release date wasn't due until Sunday or Monday as previously mentioned. A lot can happen in a few days.

Fast forward a few hours (early Wednesday morning), Grant announces that he has spoken with Jeff and he is prepared to come on and be interviewed/interrogated. The 5 of us then have several discussions regarding, if this is a good idea or not. If we even need to get involved, if this should be part of the next episode or a stand alone podcast. Speaking for myself, I was massively cautious about this tack but we ultimately decide that no harm can come of recording it. If it's not worth it then we forget about it, but if it's interesting then we can release it.
For a few hours we were discussing who it should be doing the interview. At this point we didn't have a structure, a question bank and had lots of reading to do (every post on this thread). Up until about 7.30pm last night I thought it was going to be Grant and Pete, as Stu was not available, Richard was doing another (Rebel Briefing) interview at 7.15pm and I had been in work all day and out of the loop until about 4pm. It was then suggested that as Grant knows Jeff (a bit), he shouldn't be involved and it should be me, Richard and Pete (Richard had now finished his other mini interview). I copied several of the key questions from this thread that everybody kept asking and wrote down several of my own. We had about 5 minutes to hatch out a plan.

We rolled with it. This is the scrappiest interview we have done. This is raw. There is no fancy editing, no sound effects, no laughs, no TVR podcast stuff or format. This is just our intro and the interview. This is how we can get it out so quick. I'm not even sure if we need to rerecord a small segment for episode 32, we haven't even discussed that yet. It'll be odd releasing 32 with no mention of this whatsoever.
This has been a crazy 60+ hours for the community and there are a lot of pissed off people. I have one baggie. It is a SW B baggie. It is a fake baggie. I'm a bit pissed off about that.

We are standing by to have the accusers on (as Frank alone or all of the chaps involved in the claim) to reply to what has been said.

The recording has now been listened to by Grant and Stu and will get uploaded onto our podbean account as soon as Richard is home from work.
Not our best work by far. It highlights our weaknesses as interviewers (especially me as the most inexperienced) but it's important to get this message out there.

There is no question that Frank is one of the main authorities, if not the main authority on baggies. His identification of fakes is a 'knowledge and passion' fuelled discovery that has rocked the collecting world. Without contributors like Frank, the collecting community would be nothing.

This interview is an opportunity to get the guy who has been publically vilified as a manufacturer and distributer of fake baggies to get his side of the story over. We went into the interview agreeing that the baggies that were shown on the thread were fake as Frank has identified. We wanted to know if he was the faker as is claimed. We had questions and we wanted answers.

I think this will be uploaded by about 2.30PM UK time (less than 3 hours).
The Podcast is now live with Jeff.

You can listen directly at http://swtvrpodcast.podbean.com

or via iTunes http://swtvrpodcast.podbean.com/feed/
I'm assuming Jeff's reference to a "friend" who he sought advice/help from is Frank - why wasn't Jeff allowed to say his name?
Old Thread: Hello . There have been no replies in this thread for 365 days.
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Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.
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