Premier League 23/24 Thread


Grand Master
Jul 1, 2015
On the late Liverpool winner should the ref not having given Forest the ball back a few minutes earlier? No guarantee pool still don't score, but taking possession from Forest for a pool injury and then giving it to pool is a bit of a piss take


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
It's a tough one to take for an Arsenal fan, desperate to win the league and your rivals are seconds away from dropping 2 points when you thought the 3 points were nailed on going into the game.

I would say obviously you need to be more concerned about City, I can't see Liverpool beating them, they're not playing well and understandably with all the injuries. If Liverpool had drawn yesterday City could have been clear at the top by next week.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
I do rate Emery as a manager, I still cant quite work out why it went so wrong for him at Arsenal.

Everyone is playing for second place, City are a class apart.

On the Pool late goal, Yes, the ball should have gone back to Forest. But….

1) I have seen a few angles that certainly look like Yates kicks Konate on the head. That should have been a free to Pool. Although the ref missed it, possibly the Lino should have seen it, but crowded box and a lot going on, so benefit of the doubt.

2) The ball going back to Pool instead of Forest was one minute and fifty two seconds before Pool scored. It's not like they went straight up the other end and won it. Yes, if it goes back to Forest the game is totally different, Pool may still have scored, or Forest may have scored, but Forest had plenty of time to recover from the wrong decision.

3) Forest actually won the ball back, and lost it again, three times between that incident and Pool scoring. Including some moron, their CF I think, trying to dribble the ball out of his box in the 99th minute of a game. You're hanging on for dear life in a game where a point is massive confidence booster and huge help in avoiding relegation, you pick the ball up in your box in the 99th minute already 30 seconds in to added injury time (caused cos two of your team mates were booked for time wasting in ET) and you're playing one of the best pressing sides in the league who are desperate to win. Do you (A) Hoof it dafuq and regroup. Or (B) Dribble straight into the nearest Liverpool, player and surrender possession?
If you picked (A), congratulations, you're not a moron. If you picked (B) you play up front for Forest!

4) The ref did exactly the same in the first half when Pool had the ball and he handed it back to Forest. He was consistent (consistently wrong, but still).

I cant deny it was a tad lucky, the timing if nothing else, but Forest had chances to clear it and decided dribbling it out was the way to go. I dont like Fat Sam football, but there is a time and a place for it. In the 99th minute of a game where you are desperate for the final whistle is pretty much the ****ing definition of it. I have a degree of sympathy for Forest, but they didn't help themselves, and they got exactly the same decision in their favour earlier in the game.
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Grand Master
Jul 1, 2015
I do rate Emery as a manager, I still cant quite work out why it went so wrong for him at Arsenal.
Emery: we need a left sided winger (Zaha)

Raul Sanllehi: Meet Nicolas Pepe (right sided winger)

Also Sanllehi (post Emery) : Southampton, here's 5 million quid for a six month Cedric. 6M later: Cedric, here's 100k a week and a fat signing bonus.

The club was in a right shite state, the Kroenkes didn't really understand what the F was going on. Arteta and Edu (with Tim Lewis and Richard Garlick) have revamped everything, top to bottom, front to back.

Everyone is playing for second place, City are a class apart.
Maybe but I'm not giving up hope until the end of the month at the earliest


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
You knew they scored too early and City would hump them.
I only saw the second half but it was men against boys. Utd couldn't get out.

One down two to go. City win their next two games, Pool and Arsenal and tiz over.


Grand Master
Jul 1, 2015
You knew they scored too early and City would hump them.
I only saw the second half but it was men against boys. Utd couldn't get out.

One down two to go. City win their next two games, Pool and Arsenal and tiz over.
Yeah, but it's the hope that kills you.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Ohh and dear god Anthony, that was piss poor. Come on and drop the head and up it up your arse every single time you got it, and you didnt get it very often. 90m was it? Christ


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Another lucky win
You beat me to it. ****ing Arsenal's luck is endless. Totally outplayed by SU, Arsenal barely had a kick. The only time they strung two passes together was when they scored. Pinned back in their own half for huge chunks of the half and yet they go in ahead. Jammy jammy jammy bastards.

No team has the luck they do. No way does that score line reflect the game!

Well………the last sentence is true, the rest ehh less so.
I didnt see it but it sounds like a proper hiding. Not taking anything away from Arsenal but it sounded like SU literally rolled over and asked to be hammered. Arsenal obliged.
Given GD may come in to it, though I expect City to win their next two games and render it academic, wins like that help Arsenal immensely.


Grand Master
Jul 1, 2015
I was watching it last night and I have to say I don't remember seeing any Arsenal team as relentless as this one. Obviously the 03/04 side refused to die, but this is something else - yes, recent opposition have been very obliging, but we've not, historically speaking, been a team that really pumps people, certainly not like we have recently.


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
I actually said to the Mrs I'm going to watch the game tonight, partly because Sheffield Utd are my family's team on my Mums side but mainly because Arsenal are flying. Then I forgot and checked the score at 8:15 and it was 0-3! Best team in the league at the moment, can they keep it up? I remember the 97-98 Arsenal team went on a run from February to the end of the season and Utd had no chance.

I wish they were playing City this weekend as the international break may disrupt their momentum. Looking at the bottom, I think SU and Burnley are gone. Can't really see Luton doing enough. That's the 3 that came up going straight back down.

Apparently ETH has 3 games to save his job which I think is ridiculous. If we had beaten Fulham he would've got PL manager of the month! City game he got the tactics right IMO. Nice to see Hojlund get player of the month. Not that those awards mean much, but still.

My concern is some of the players will down tools against Everton and that's all it will take. Says it all about some of the players, they would rather get a manager sacked than fight for a UCL place. We will see.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Forest's potential/likely points deduction and subsequent appeal will complicate the relegation issue. But I agree SU and Burnley are gone. Luton have a chance, not a big one, but stranger things have happened. I'd actually like to see them stay up. A club who have come from League 2 to PL and who don't exactly have a history of winning things. I'd rather see them in the PL than one of yoyo clubs( or City/Chelsea/Utd lol).

Not only could the three that come up go straight back down, but they could be replaced by the same three who went down. How exciting is that!? Zzzzzzz
Parachute payments have a lot to answer for. I'll be hoping Ipswich can sneak in.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Lucky Arsenal again! Lol

I saw bits of the first half and Arsenal where miles better but I wouldn't say it was 'comfortable'. They weren't creating much. Brentford created FA but there was always that chance something daft could happen. And it did.

I missed the second half, but I have seen the dive Havertz wasn't booked for. Lucky boy, that was a blatant dive. That's exactly the sort of thing that SHOULD be punished with a yellow. Given he had already been booked.…..
Galling, for Brentford that he scores the winner, but that's the way it goes.

Now who do Arsenal fans cheer for tomorrow? A draw and 3 red cards and 6 injuries each?


Grand Master
Jul 1, 2015
Lucky Arsenal again! Lol

I saw bits of the first half and Arsenal where miles better but I wouldn't say it was 'comfortable'. They weren't creating much. Brentford created FA but there was always that chance something daft could happen. And it did.

I missed the second half, but I have seen the dive Havertz wasn't booked for. Lucky boy, that was a blatant dive. That's exactly the sort of thing that SHOULD be punished with a yellow. Given he had already been booked.…..
Galling, for Brentford that he scores the winner, but that's the way it goes.

Now who do Arsenal fans cheer for tomorrow? A draw and 3 red cards and 6 injuries each?
It was a dive but I think Trossard should have had a penalty before that - the Brentford player pretty much had him around the neck from the angle shown on TV


Grand Master
Jul 1, 2015
Oh and as for tomorrow a draw and a few key injuries would be super. Failing that a Liverpool win would be fine, I'd say you're more likely to drop points than City after this weekend. Whatever the result the race has a few more weeks to run just yet


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
City got a penalty at old Trafford for less of a pull, no one even saw it until VAR got involved. But Arsenal get mugged off. Piss take.

Liverpool need to do the business tomorrow, unbelievable if they do with the injuries.

My team were crap and are crashing out of the FA Cup next week to the worse half of Merseyside. 😂🤦

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